Staff Structure
Official branches
Each branch nominates representatives to communicate with other branches. They get to have a voice in decisions (usually one voice per branch in major decisions) and are responsible for management of their branches hub.
- EN - Jerden, Guaire, Luxaiko, tetsusquared, Mew-ltiverse
- RU - Gene R, Osobist, Resure
- KO - fluxman, Salamander724
- CN - Areyoucrazytom, M Element, MScarlet
- JP - 2MeterScale, Mishary, being241, izumi_sngw, Red_Selppa, Rokurokubi, MtKani_666, Nekokuro
- FR - Dr Lekter, DrJohannes
- PL - BlazingPie
- ES - Dr Merlin - VI, Luis Gm
- TH - Alert301, Bonneneige, DrSSS, Slang
- DE - Dr_Grom, Dr Ore
- IT - Dr Aisenberg, DrGraph, TradeHumor, Luke mcDonut
- PT - slashannemoo, ZeroMan
- CS - chamik, Aidam7, H3G1, Utylike
- UA - Dasgot, murzei_chaos, Comrade Xander
- ZH-TR - Reverberate_a, vomiter
- VN - Kairento154
Developing branches
Developing branches may also join the International Translation Archive and choose representatives. They usually do not get a voice in major international votes but may take part in discussions and some minor decisions.
- ND - Kanske, Nederbird
- TR - Anzirru, AzurMurat
- EL - Dr_Sack, thatonetranslator
- ID - EastIndies
- HU - Csikkes, DrDraco
page revision: 151, last edited: 07 Jul 2024 12:41